Blog. Expressing Emotions


Obtain the most of your diary

15 November 2017

A diary can become an indispensable tool to help us manage our weekly hours and thus make the most of our time. With a couple of tips, discover how to make your diary your great ally to face the day to day.

Organization, your best friend

For hours, for tasks, in order of priority ... find the method that best suits you and your lifestyle. Before going to work or studying, spend 5 minutes reviewing the tasks of the previous day and check those that are already completed and those that are still pending. With the help of stickers or markers, it will be easier for you to identify them and move them from place or even from page.

Use the rules of color

Each color symbolizes a feeling or an emotion. Classify plans, tasks or meetings according to a hierarchy. For example, red is the color that attracts the most attention and that best retains our brain. Use it to highlight those most important events or those tasks that you must dos. You can also use the "traffic light rule", in red the tasks to be done, in yellow or orange those that are already started and in green, the done ones. Choose your own method and customize it.

Always write it down

Even if you always have thousand things in your head, if something is important, write it down! Do not let the memory spend a trick on you and write down birthdays, appointments and thoughts in your agenda. Remember, your diary is your memories on paper, and they will always go wherever you take them.


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